
Mima is a simple but powerful utility that makes use of Apple's open-source Stable Diffusion framework to generate images from text. It is free to use (but feel free to leave a tip in the "about" window if you like it) and is designed for helping with a brainstorming workflow, by allowing easy queueing up of items, drag and drop, and easy tweaking of generated results. It is not meant to be a deep and involved AI image generation solution, but more as a source of visual inspiration or material to be further processed, refined, resized, and so on.

For questions, support, or suggestions, please email me directly at paul@bru.build


Privacy Policy

Mima by itself does not record or collect any information at all. It has no internal analytics or logging, and reports nothing. When initially installed it will download the AI model files from a private server but no information related to this is recorded. macOS may provide aggregate, anonymised, crash reports and/or installation statistics through Apple, depending on the privacy settings which you have selected on your device.