Platform: iOS, Android
Technology: Objective-C & Java
Period of involvement: 2016 - 2018

Two custom in-house apps created to support patients suffering from Mental Health and Diabetes, part of a larger expanding support program for patients and their carers in the NHS. More details can be found on Healios' web site here:

These apps are good examples of apps designed for utility and not glamour. They were implemented from the start with a limited financial & time budget, yet potentially making the lives of many patients in the UK easier. The apps target people who may in certain cases have difficulty navigating complicated interfaces, so they are as simple to use as possible, using 100% native and learned interactions at every opportunity and being as responsive as possible even on old/cheap devices.

The apps are available for both iOS and Android to try and help as many users as possible, although as always iOS proved to be the most reliable way to implement the "canonical" version and iterate based on the client's feedback as fast as possible.

Diabetes' Store description:

The Healios Diabetes app is for people with pre-diabetes or diabetes and their family members (carers) taking part in the Healios Diabetes program. The Healios Diabetes App is designed to support self-management in the home and at the same time provide information to NHS treatment teams so they can be more effective in the services delivered.

The Healios Diabetes app can be used by the person with the illness to self-report on their current status and by one of their family members (carer) to provide information on both their own status and that of their loved-ones with diabetes. 

Mental Health's App Store description:

The Healios Mental Health app is for people with a mental illness and/or their family members (carers) taking part in the Healios Mental Health program.

The Healios Mental Health App is designed to support self-management in the home and at the same time provide information to NHS treatment teams so they can be more effective in the services delivered.

The Healios Mental Health app can be used by the person with the illness to self-report on their current status and/or by one of their family members (carer) to provide information on both their own status and that of their loved-ones with the mental illness.