Platform: Windows
Technology: VB.NET & VC++
Current Status: Production Ended

Please see the related Maestro Server project for the related desktop components of this system.

SELMA MAESTRO S-VDR/VDR is a Simplified Voyage Data Recorder or a standard Voyage Data Recorder system for existing cargo as well as new-built ships: The main objective of a S-VDR or VDR is similar to a “black box” flight data recorder on airplanes. 

More specifically S-VDRs and VDRs are used to record and maintain data in a secure and restorable form regarding position, movement, physical status, command and control of a ship over the period leading up and following an incident.

All stored information is available for use during any subsequent investigation to identify the cause(s) of the incident.

Additionally, recorded data can be used for preventive maintenance, performance efficiency monitoring, heavy weather damage analysis, accident avoidance and training purposes to improve safety and reduce running costs

The simple but powerful interface offers unparalleled flexibility for the configuration and parameterisation of the system, expanding its use even beyond the S-VDR/VDR specifications, should that be required.

Selma’s MAESTRO S-VDR/VDR is designed to comply with and exceed the following Rules and Regulations:

IMO Resolution MSC163.(78) - IMO Resolution A.694(17) - IMO Resolution MSC.214(81) - IMO Resolution MSC.97(73) 2000 HSC Code13 - SOLAS 74 RegulatIon V/18, V/20 and X/3 - IEC 61162, IEC 60945 (2002), IEC 61996-2 (2007)

More info at SELMA’s site: